Live Like an Astronaut.

You need to watch the sky at night. You need to see all the stars; all the wide space.You need to understand that we are in a spaceship called Earth.We are constantly moving , every time you blink, there is a movement. We are moving, traveling constantly; through space ,we are moving; to a world … Continue reading Live Like an Astronaut.


Come Across and revisit that moment; That Moment when you finally knew! That Moment when you told yourself the truth which heart your believes in. That Moment when you finally collected all your courage to say it. If something like this exists , than surely it is your's to claim... Be it a job or … Continue reading Moment


Once in a really long while , when I hold a brush; a connection is formed which cannot be explained in words but just maybe can be painted on a blank piece of paper with ink of depths...